LES FINES LAMES, a well-known French brand that combines functionality with style, has presented a new line of leather cigar boxes intended for demanding cigar lovers. These cases are crafted from premium leather with a minimalist design that maintains the brand's commitment to elegance and practicality.
Each box is designed to protect cigars during travel, providing a durable yet elegant solution to keeping cigars in perfect condition. With enough room for multiple cigars, the boxes offer flexibility and allow cigar lovers to carry different sizes. The interior has been carefully designed to prevent damage, while the leather exterior adds appeal, ideal for informal dates and formal occasions.
Cigar cases Duo and Trio are made of colored textured leather, combined with elegant black leather. They are designed to hold up to three cigars with a diameter of up to 64 gauge , and are available in different colors: green, blue, yellow and black.
More information at: www.lesfineslames.com
Pictures: Les Fines Lames