The Davidoff Signature No. 2 is a premium cigar known for its elegant craftsmanship and refined flavor profile. Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, it features an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, an Ecuadorian binder, and a filler composed of Dominican tobaccos. The cigar measures 6 x 38, presenting a sleek and classic Panetela shape. Visually, it boasts a shiny, Claro-shade wrapper with minimal veins, indicative of its high-quality construction.
Davidoff Signature No.2 Panetela
Upon lighting, the Signature No. 2 offers a mild strength profile, initially delivering sweet and creamy notes with hints of white pepper and cedar. As the cigar progresses through the first third, it maintains a smooth, velvety smoke with flavors reminiscent of subtle floral undertones. The smoke output is impressive, and the aroma is characterized by sweet tones.
In the second third, the flavor profile deepens with the introduction of creaminess, complementing the existing cedar notes. There are also mild hints of pepper, particularly noticeable on the retrohale, which add a delicate spiciness to the overall experience. The balance and complexity of the flavors are well-maintained, making it a delightful smoke for both novice and seasoned cigar enthusiasts.
Davidoff Signature No.2 Panetela
The final third sees a continuation of the well-balanced flavor profile, with floral notes becoming more prominent alongside the consistent cedar flavors. Despite its mild to mild-medium strength, the cigar's construction remains excellent, ensuring an even burn and a cool smoking temperature. Overall, the Davidoff Signature No. 2 is celebrated for its elegance and complexity, making it an ideal choice for a relaxed, sophisticated smoking session, preferably paired with a light coffee or tea to enhance its delicate flavors. We give it a high 9,5/10.
Cigar Aficionado overview
Davidoff Signature No.2 Corona - Picture credit by Cigar Aficionado